+44(0)1562 277617
The project’s key goal was to decipher a myriad of widely varying content and collate it in a cohesive way to create an intuitive website for all site visitors. All site content is interlinked dynamically allowing automatic content population from one central upload.
For this project, there are in excess of 500 unique pages and 1,000 articles and news posts, ranging in content and imagery. This includes press releases issued by members, member announcements from The NIA, and more. As such, a huge part of the project was to create a totally CMS where staff at The NIA could design their own pages, using a bespoke modular system. We created over 30 unique modules, each with 15+ customisable options for content structure, dynamic content population and visual options. This has enabled staff to create their own unique pages moving forwards by utilising thousands of options to fit all content needs.